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 home inspection service

Home Purchase Inspection

For those looking to buy a home. Be informed on your investment before you close the deal!

Are you considering buying a home? That is no small investment! It is a good idea to have a qualified home inspector look over the property at hand to inform you of any potential areas of concern. That way, you can make a more informed decision as to the actual quality of the piece of real estate you are looking into. Home inspections can often turn up issues that even the seller did not know existed! Pin-pointing these issues right away can save you money in the long run. By making you aware of the concerns, you will be able to resolve them before they get any worse if you do decide to move forward with your investment decision.

Areas We Will Inspect





Heating & Cooling Systems


Windows & Doors

Attic & Insulation



Built-In Appliances



Standards of Practice

There are very detailed standards that home inspectors must abide by. These standards clarify limitations and exclusions as to what is to be inspected during a general home inspection. To learn more about what your inspection will entail, click the link below to view the full Standards of Practice.

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